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literally have not been killed by it yet. but that dragon head with the rot is annoying. Macholad Jimmy Ravage の投稿を引用:. Murge プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. Fuzzy の投稿を引用:. Murge の投稿を引用:. Orion Invictus プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. Timbermaw プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. Orion Invictus の投稿を引用:. Yagger プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. someones malding because they cant win against an easy to dodge weapon. 最近の変更は Yagger が行いました; 3月16日 16時17分. Cephas on Something Awful criticized this article. I took some japanese in college so I might just have an incomplete understanding though.

I am ethnic Japanese and I think I am pretty fluent, and it is pretty clear to me that the mistranslations are really bad. The article explains how the mistranslations happened pretty concisely, and looking at the about page, this is a Japanese website run by Japanese people, right? Why are idiot white people who do not understand Japanese constantly arguing that they understand Japanese better than actual Japanese people?

What did you expect from there? It looks to me like this Cephas person is such a low IQ individual, and being confronted with something they do not understand, is lashing out in response. It is a sad truth that only intelligent people are able to acknowledge that they are ignorant. That being said, this person acknowledging that they barely understand Japanese, only to launch into a line-by-line analysis on how stuff written by actual Japanese people is wrong is… Yeah, that is definitely something.

Full disclaimer. I hold a professional interpreter and translator certificate and licence in Australia for multiple language combination. My background is Asian Descendant born in the US and native speaker of 6 languages — English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Korean, and Japanese. But this is not about my abilities.

After finishing Elden Ring, I could not hold back anymore on how Ryan Morris and Frognation literally butchered and fucked up the game script. He is doing a disservice to the entire global fanbase and players of Elden Ring. This is NOT Miyazaki intended. Original concept should be respected, preserved at the best effort, and delivered to target audience without any personal bias and distortion as possible.

But then we have a professional code of conduct and code of ethics which we adhere to — no matter what, stay closest as possible to the source material. This, is where, Ryan Morris and Frognation fails so miserably. Whether their effort to distort all the lines were intentional or not, they not only commit all 3 major mistakes in translation field.

Addition — The translator is ADDING irrelevant information that was NOT THERE in the original text. Distortion — The translator is CHANGING the meaning of the text by understanding wrongly the source material, or translation is not delivering the original meaning. Maybe he has ulterior motive.

We will never know. Miyazaki takes each character quite seriously, I think he kind of falls in love with them, and tries to make them speak very sincerely in almost all cases, but they can be misguided. Just wanted to put this out there. we basically sat down, I did a rough translation of the text, and then threw away the Japanese text.

We mapped out the big story beats in each scene, and then just watched the cutscenes and ad-libbed what we imagined each character would say, and then rewrote a lot of the dialog completely. Malenia resisted them, but succumbed to the rot in order to take down Radahn. Demigod is certainly GRRM though because Demigoddo is extremely unnatural for Japanese. It could be someone who is a distant descendant of gods, who has inherited god powers. These words are thrown around in fiction and reinterpreted by people all the time, so there are exceptions, but hanshin typically means one parent is a god and one parent is a human.

What the hell is going on with this place? They get upset when told that the English version is wrong and a foreign version is correct. As crummy as the mistranslation is, a lot of you are getting really heated and spiteful to people that managed to infer what was meant irregardless of the error.

Be better. Pathetic, insignificant parasite that you are, everyone will be happy to see you go. Just kill yourself. Do it. Take the plunge. Make your parents proud for once. Take your views on dialogue and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR UGLY VIRGIN ASSES. Fucking moron. There is no mistranslated in the Ranni dialogue. I doubt there is any mistranslated shit at all. Who knows?

But Frognation decided to rename him for no reason, and surgically remove every single instance of him ever referencing Armored Core, even though he uses the name of his mech in every single appearance, including in Elden Ring. There is no need for gods with hearts like men, which were the defect in the Order. The wording here is very clear. Before it was all this sort of nonsense:. Does she want everyone to become ghosts or something?

The fact is that there are very few good translators handling video games, or pop culture in general. I am a professional translator based in Japan, and I am native level in both.

Corporate translation, the job which requires competence to do, comes with actual scrutiny and repercussions from bad work.

Anyone who understands Japanese, and I mean ACTUALLY understands Japanese and not the shitposters who took a course in college, can tell that the translations of these games are terrible. Another reason for how they keep getting away with shitty translations is these people, drooling imbeciles who make up all sorts of ridiculous excuses and defend the mistranslations, enabling this sort of shitty practice to go on.

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Hands-on With Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty TGS I disagree. They really dropped the ball on this. fucking moron. lmao, this is delusional as hell pathetic.

ROYAL RAT AUTHORITY LOST THE ANNALS IF ONLY ONE THIRD OF AN UMBILICAL CORD. GRRM only wrote the barebones backstory. Everything else is Miyazaki.

Absolutely pathetic. hey dumbass check out the about page this website is run by japanese people from a japenese company. Pretty fucking despicable. Dualshockers has always been clickbait trash. This is from the translation company itself: archive. 日本語でのコメントですみません。この下にdeeplでの翻訳をつけます この記事では日本語訳を正規としていますが、実際のところ英語が開発のベースになっていると思います GRRMの神話を読んだ宮崎さんが脚本を書き、その脚本を原典としてFrognationという会社が英語に訳しました その英語音声と脚本、字幕をもとに、ふたりの日本人翻訳者が和訳しています つまり、英語のほうが宮崎さんの脚本のニュアンスに近く、正しいと考えられます いまのところ日本では大きな問題になっていないですが、日本に住む一部の英語話者は「なぜ英語にある会話が日本語版には無いの!?」と驚愕しています 和訳されていないので、日本人はゴストークの腕がない理由を知りません 日本で販売されているエルデンリングのほうが値段が高いので、私は非常に不満に思っています Sorry for my comment in Japanese.

英語から日本語に訳をする翻訳者の福市さん、武藤さんがクレジットされています Translators Keiko Fukuchi and Yosei Mutou are credited for translating from English to Japanese. Has anyone asked them exactly what they did?

こんにちは、グーグル翻訳を使用して申し訳ありません、私はこれがメッセージを伝えることを願っています。 その過程で日本人の翻訳者が関わっていたそうです。 GRRMが関わっていたので、私はこれに驚いていません、そして彼らはおそらく彼が書いたものに取り組んでいました。 でも、英語の台本は宮崎の本来のビジョンに近いとおっしゃっていますが…英語の会話がいかに奇妙かご存知ですか? 記事に記載されているラニの対話は、性格から外れており、確立された目標と性格の動機と完全に矛盾しているため、プレイヤーを混乱させてきました。 プレイヤーはこれについて議論してきました。なぜなら、彼女は世界から感情を消したいという邪悪な悪役のように見えるからです。これは他では決して言及されていないことです。 一方、この記事にリストされている翻訳された日本語の対話は、確立された物語に完全に適合しています。 この対話が日本語から英語に完全に誤訳されたと仮定することは完全に合理的であるように思われます。 ちょうど私の2セント。.

情弱クレーマーかよ フロムの原文が日本語ってインタビューで言ってるんだから和訳もクソもないだろ ゲーム内にGRRMのテキストは無いぞ、それを元に膨らませたものを宮崎他フロムスタッフが書き、翻訳会社が英訳した あー、ほかのレスに書いてあったこいつのツイッター見たらただのやべー奴で草 人様に迷惑かけてないで病院池や池沼. Most likely it ruled during the age of Crucible. Description of Black Flame Ritual: the Gloam-Eyed Queen led the apostles.

It is said that she was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers questionable: Two or Three? Interesting that all current Empyreans are fathered by Radagon, but nothing suggests that Marika and GEQ were relatives. Once worshipped by the giants, this evil deity is believed to have been slain by Queen Marika One-Eyed Shield. Arghanthy, the chief guardian of the Flame, had kept this incantation a well-kept secret until it was stolen by Adan.

The fell god still lurks within the Fire Giants. it is said that Fell God was slain by Marika, but somehow is still alive. Both descriptions are using Fell God 悪神, but Firemonks Armor uses 火の巨人 Fire Giants, while One-Eyed Shield only mentions Giants 巨人. Possible solution : the legend about Marika is a lie, Marika defeated a vessel of the Fell God, but not the Feel God himself, Elden Ring lore is a mess.

The concept of Order 律 is the key point of the Greater Will.


How to use great rune elden ring

  I do apologize if this has been asked and answered a hundren times already, but Queen Marika was said to have shattered the Elden Ring › news › group › view    


Could all characters using moonveil be forced offline? :: ELDEN RING 総合掲示板


筆者は PS4通常版 でのプレイです。これは発売予定のプラットフォームとしてはほぼ下限といえる環境ですが、 グラフィック・プレイフィール共に不満は一切ありませんでした。 フィールドを遠くまで見渡すカメラ、騎乗による高速移動、多数の敵と攻撃エフェクトの発生、ライティング条件の複雑な箇所など…… 重い処理が重なるシーンでもフレームレートは安定していました。. また、オブジェクトのLOD処理(距離などの条件でオブジェクトを一時的に低解像度化すること。高速移動でオブジェクトの切り替えが間に合わず低解像度のオブジェクトが見えてしまう場合がある)や遠方キャラのモーションの低フレーム化が見えてしまうことはオープンワールド系ゲームにはよくある現象ですが、 筆者のプレイ範囲でそういった現象は見られませんでした。. グラフィックだけではなく、 ロード時間の短さ も快適でした。ファストトラベル、死亡時のリスポーン共に高速です。「死にゲー」としてはリプレイの快適さは実に嬉しいですね。.

しかし、全ての要素を遊びきれたわけではありません。 一体、本編はどれほど膨大なボリュームを味わえるというのか……。 自分だけの「褪せ人」でこの世界を探訪できる日を楽しみですね!. facebook シェア twitter ツイート hatebu ブックマーク Pocket 後で読む. Fuzzy プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. not sure why people hate it. literally have not been killed by it yet.

but that dragon head with the rot is annoying. Macholad Jimmy Ravage の投稿を引用:. Murge プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. Fuzzy の投稿を引用:. Murge の投稿を引用:. Orion Invictus プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. Timbermaw プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. Orion Invictus の投稿を引用:. Yagger プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示.

That leaves the dregs for game translation. It is a mistranslation, but they are pretty close I think in meaning that one could understand what Ranni means if they think on her words and this particular ending enough. The Souls games are hardly ever straightforward after all.

this is just sad. Elden Ring is filled with grammatical errors, typos, outright bad translations like this, and freaking Disney movie references the localizers added in. I just want to play the game the way the writers intended it. Complaining about difficult words and Kanji is cope.

If I were hiring a translator for a project I would start by asking them about the last 5 novels they read in Japanese to see what their opinions were on them. If they struggle to answer this question, there is no reason to hire them at all. The quantity and variety of reading that a translator has done in both their native language and their other languges directly affects the quality of their output.

Also this is a video game. What the fuck kind of ESL seamonkey mongloids worked on this? One among many, one among them, etc. This is regular english. Actually unironically go read some books you god damn mongoloid. In fact you SHOULD be wearing it you fucking retard. Without wearing this the Fingers know what you are doing, therefore you put this on BEFORE you comit treason.

It will become impossible for anyone to know -anything- for certain, as her order will be so out of reach that it will leave people forever contemplating. All this bullshit you came up with is a load of retarded fanfiction based on a mistranslation.

Especially for native English speakers, the English translation should be quite easy to understand. Yet, here we are… In the Japanese text, her intention is still the same.

The conclusion is the same. The dialogue you use as a basis for it is completely wrong, meaning so is your idiot fanfiction. She never talked about certainties of anything. Do you even understand English? Read the damn article you brain damaged mongoloid. With that said, I personally think that, ironically enough, the English text might have accidentally summed up what the Dark Moon if it is an outer god will actually want with the Lands Between.

Another grim thing for Ranni is that, despite her attempts to cast off any fate with her partial suicide, she still appears to be bound by one. Sorry for the tangent. I think that if you chose this ending it means to you that you will never feel the cold of night because hell..

is no where near cold. How is it a mistranslation? She says it the same thing, just with a metaphor. Typical western gaming journalism at work. Seems like pretty clear proof that they plagiarized the article. I looked him up and yeah this is pretty bad, he does not understand Japanese at all. this article is blatantly wrong. the english audio is the original, meaning the japanese subs are irrelevant.

The Japanese text comes first. This has never once been in question. 確かに means certainly, not clearly. The French version of the game actually has the dialogue correctly translated. 日本語でのコメントですみません。この下にdeeplでの翻訳をつけます この記事では日本語訳を正規としていますが、実際のところ英語が開発のベースになっていると思います GRRMの神話を読んだ宮崎さんが脚本を書き、その脚本を原典としてFrognationという会社が英語に訳しました その英語音声と脚本、字幕をもとに、ふたりの日本人翻訳者が和訳しています つまり、英語のほうが宮崎さんの脚本のニュアンスに近く、正しいと考えられます いまのところ日本では大きな問題になっていないですが、日本に住む一部の英語話者は「なぜ英語にある会話が日本語版には無いの!?」と驚愕しています 和訳されていないので、日本人はゴストークの腕がない理由を知りません 日本で販売されているエルデンリングのほうが値段が高いので、私は非常に不満に思っています.

Sorry for my comment in Japanese. I will put a translation in deepl below this one. This article uses the Japanese translation as the official one, but I believe English is actually the base of the development After reading the GRRM myth, Mr. Miyazaki wrote the script, which was translated into English by a company called Frognation using the original source material.

The English audio, script and subtitles were then translated into Japanese by two Japanese translators. In other words, the English version is closer to the nuances of Mr. I am very frustrated because the Elden rings sold in Japan are more expensive! I am Japanese. This commenter is an idiot. I am bilingual, and the explanation of what caused the translation errors is very realistic.

Reverse, I cannot see way that the English could be mistranslated into the Japanese text. In the Dark Souls Japanese community there are some lunatics who say that the English text is original, and they are stupid lunatics. The interview with Ryan Morris of Frognation made it pretty clear that Miyazaki writes everything in Japanese and Frognation then translates to English.

Hi, I find it highly doubtful that the nuance of the English version is closer than the Japanese. What is your source for the translations, BTW? TWO people? Do you seriously think TWO people translated the entire English script into Japanese? dude, Fromsoft is just a small company, who do you think they are? Square Enix? They were working with the game years ago, not 1 or 2 days of course they can translate the whole game text with only 2 persons. 情弱クレーマーかよ フロムの原文が日本語ってインタビューで言ってるんだから和訳もクソもないだろ ゲーム内にGRRMのテキストは無いぞ、それを元に膨らませたものを宮崎他フロムスタッフが書き、翻訳会社が英訳した.

I understand Japanese and knew that the stuff was mistranslated. But no matter how hard I try I keep running into braindead imbeciles saying things like.

The English speaking soulsborne community is just cancer. I played the Kings Field games. I played the original release of Metal Wolf Chaos on the Xbox. I played fucking Murakumo. My Favorite From game is AC4A. I guess I just assumed that other supposed fans actually cared about the games as much as I do, and so wanted to let them know how the incompetent translators are doing them a disservice.

Sorry for soapboxing but it looks like this is the place to do it, because reddit and 4chan and discord and somethingawful and resetera and gamefaqs and youtube are all decrepit shitholes filled with this same retarded bullshit. I deleted my account and left the site forever because of what a shithole it was. Eventually I started getting stalked and harassed by a guy who claimed to understand Japanese but just kept posting fake Japanese taken from Google translate and saying all of my posts were wrong, and some random psycho who was either an alt of the first guy or just some kind of nutjob.

I guess Reddit sides with harassers. So no, none of this is new or surprising in the least. There is no point in engaging with the larger western Souls community. Cephas on Something Awful criticized this article. I took some japanese in college so I might just have an incomplete understanding though. I am ethnic Japanese and I think I am pretty fluent, and it is pretty clear to me that the mistranslations are really bad. The article explains how the mistranslations happened pretty concisely, and looking at the about page, this is a Japanese website run by Japanese people, right?

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